Saturday, March 28, 2020

Walt Disney World Quest: Magical Racing Tour

Year: 2000
Genre: Racing (2)
Developer: Crystal Dynamics
Publisher: Activision

The awkwardly named Walt Disney World Quest: Magical Racing Tour is the other side of the racing coin compared to Mickey’s Racing Adventure. Quest is shorter and more straightforward. There’s no world to explore, just races. It also has a side view instead of the overhead view of its Adventure cousin. Also since all the tracks are based on Disney attractions it feels much more like an advertisement. It is, however, still a pretty fun little racing game.

It certainly meets its quota for kooky characters and collectibles. Besides Chip and Dale the game has several unique characters who I believe are only in this game. At least I’ve never heard of Otto Plugnut or Baron Karlott anywhere else. Each one has their own backstory, but I am still not sure about their stats. It did feel like some were better on certain tracks, and ones that were unlocked later tended to do better overall, but this could all be my imagination.

There are three goals to each race, so everything needs to be done more than once. Luckily the races are all pretty quick and the different goals offer up enough variety to keep the game from getting tedious. The difficulty is pretty low in this one as it was obviously designed more for kids. I would say the endings are a bit of a cop out. Is there anything more lazy than a parade and fireworks show? It’s not like real fireworks are all that uncommon or exciting. It doesn’t stir the emotions seeing them on Game Boy Color’s washed out screen. That’s still not too big of a gripe though since I enjoyed getting all the endings and that’s what really counts.

I’m excited about this ranking because I now have eleven games. That means that I can have a real top 10 now. It’s so much fun saying that something made it into the top 10. You should try it on something yourself. This game certainly makes it into the top 10, but not particularly high. It’s more fun to play than Baraduke, but I think I’d rather play Dragon Spirit and try to survive the challenge than play through this easy racing game again. Still, I am glad I played it. I am also experimenting with colorizing my list. I’ve got green for the good games, orange for the okay games, and red for the bad games. It seemed like a good idea at the time, but let me know what you think.

1. Galaga
2. Pac-Mania
3. Mickey’s Racing Adventure
4. Metro-Cross
5. Gaplus
6. Dragon Spirit
7. Walt Disney World Quest: Magical Racing Tour (GBC)
8. Baraduke
9. The Legend of “Valkyrie”
10. Galaxian
11. Gyruss (2600)

Next time: The first red game???

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