Saturday, March 14, 2020


I am a very silly and attractive man who has decided to go on a very ridiculous journey. My plan is to play every video game in the known universe and rank them against each other. My methodology isn't very complicated or scientific, but I assure you it is correct. My only rule is that there is no specific plan for what order I go in. Sometimes I might have a theme and sometimes it will be whatever I get in the mail that day. You are welcome to make recommendations and argue about the list itself. After I play a game I will place it into the Ironclad List of Correctness and there it will remain unless I change my mind later. I might reevaluate some games after I play them more at a later date. Either way I am going to try to rank as many as I can and hopefully get to every game ever eventually. There can't be that many right?

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