Saturday, December 5, 2020

NES #16: The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends

Developer: Radical Entertainment

Publisher: THQ

Release Date: December 1992

All lies! 

It is my contention that The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends is the most ineptly made game ever on a major console. Even the title is a disaster. Not only should a title never have the word “and” twice so close together, but it’s not even true. Even though the cover shows the Dudley Do-Right cast none of the supporting characters actually appear in the game. The only other characters are Boris and Natasha, and since they spend the whole game throwing bombs at the heroes, and I really do mean the whole game, they aren’t what I would call friends. Howevver, since they can quickly cause game overs and discourage further play maybe they are actually friends of the player. So not only did they completely ruin the title of the game but they did so for a lie. Sadly it only gets worse from there.

This is as far as anyone gets before realizing something is horribly wrong

The game is known for its bad mechanics, and it’s really something that has to be played to be believed. Rocky and Bullwinkle can be switched out any time by hitting the select button, and I think the developers tried to balance the gameplay between the two characters, but they ended up ruining the whole thing. Just about everything you do causes pain. Both characters can pick up and throw bombs, but since practically every enemy can do so as well they are useless. I never won a bomb fight in the whole game because they just never stop coming. They will stand there and throw a constant barrage of bombs until time runs out. Also, if they get drawn too far away from their starting points they will respawn. This is very bad for a game that focuses on projectile weapons so much. Hey but don’t worry, both characters have special moves. That brings up the most infamous part of the game. Their special moves deplete your health faster than any bomb ever could. Bullwinkle’s antler charge is the only effective attack in the game, but using it is always a risky because it depletes health so fast. Meanwhile Rocky loses health for flying. Yes, Rocky the Flying Squirrel can’t fly without losing health. That’s Rocky’s most defining trait. He’s not Rocky the Always Near Death if He Even Thinks About Flying Squirrel. Also there are places where you have to fly which just adds injury to injury. It’s a cruel trick all round, and makes the only sensible strategy to be run as fast as you can.

The constant bombardment distracts you from the awful scenery

Matters aren’t help by the graphics either. Now I know that the tv show was famous for its bad animation, but it’s Fantasia compared to this game. They get the four main characters relatively correct, but the backgrounds look like elementary school drawings. It’s full of sparse, ugly shapes that repeat over and over with no sense of depth. It’s a flat and jagged world where cliffs are just black lines and it’s not clear what is a plane and what is just a decoration. The enemies are dire as well. They devolve from recognizable figures to wrinkled masses of unknown origin as the levels go along. There is a level that takes place in a kitchen so they decided to put tiny chefs running by. It’s the only level that has tiny humans so it’s really jarring. The reason for this is because every level has tall enemies that throw bombs and small enemies to jump over. For some reason “tiny chef” was the best they could thank of for a kitchen level. It makes absolutely no sense. Then again, none of this game makes any sense. After playing this game I am not sure that anything makes sense anymore. Thanks Rocky and Bullwinkle. You almost broke me.

Only Bullwinkle can climb stairs

Although I don’t remember the exact year, I will always remember that Christmas in the early 90s that was the last great NES Christmas. Although I loved Super Nintendo I had a very hard time getting over the death of the NES. It was my favorite thing in the world, and it broke my heart that it was being abandoned. Still, one upside was that games were cheap and we got a bunch of them that Christmas. We got the new Kriby’s Adventure along with the re-releases of Metroid and Final Fantasy. Also in the same haul was, of all games, Rocky and Bullwinkle. It’s a game that has been with me for over twenty-five years. Anytime the subject of bad games comes up it’s the first one I think of. Sure Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde is bad, but at least it looks like a real game. Rocky and Bullwinkle fails ever metric and fails hard. It’s the worst looking, worst playing, worst designed game on the NES. Honestly I enjoyed playing Marvel Super Heroes on Hyperscan more because it at least felt like a real game. It’s better than Ben 10 but only because I could actually play though it. It doesn’t get much lower than this one. And worst of all is that I will never get the awful music out of my head.


NES Quality Percentage: 9/16 or 56.25%


1. Zelda II: The Adventure of Link

2. Super Mario Odyssey

3. The Legend of Zelda

4. Galaga

5. Donkey Kong

6. Exodus: Ultima III

7. Pac-Mania

8. Wrecking Crew

9. Super Pac-Man

10. Pac-Man

11. Viva Pinata

12. Dragon View

13. Excitebike

14. Drakkhen

15. Arc the Lad

16. Clu Clu Land

17. Tails’ Adventures

18. Artifact Adventure Gaiden DX

19. Mickey’s Racing Adventure

20. Metro-Cross

21. Double Dragon

22. Panic Restaurant

23. Ice Climber

24. Gaplus

25. Dragon Spirit

26. Pinball (NES)

27. Ninja Golf

28. Super Soccer

29. Walt Disney World Quest: Magical Racing Tour (GBC)

30. Red Sea Crossing

31. Baraduke

32. Demon’s Crest

33. Evoland

34. Tennis

35. Renegade

36. Hogan’s Alley

37. Gamma-Attack

38. The Legend of “Valkyrie”

39. Galaxian

40. Dragon Crystal

41. Cosmic Commuter

42. Hot Pixel

43. PocketBike Racer

44. Wild Gunman

45. Defunct

46. Gyruss (2600)

47. Looney Tunes Racing

48. Squidlit

49. Baseball

50. Birthday Mania

51. Bad Street Brawler

52. Burly Men at Sea

53. WeakWood Throne

54. X-Men (HyperScan)

55. My Name is Mayo

56. Marvel Heroes

57. The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends

58. Ben 10

Bonus: Screenshots of Shame!

(The good pictures were from mobygames and vgmuseum.)

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