Tuesday, May 26, 2020

NES #7: Wrecking Crew

Developer: Nintendo
Publisher: Nintendo
Release Date: 10-18-85
Hey Mario actually survives this cover

If it’s true that Super Mario Bros. wasn’t quite released on launch day than that means Wrecking Crew is Mario’s first starring role on the NES. Either way it is an interesting case. It’s hard to think of Nintendo’s most famous character debuting in such an obscure game on the console that made him a superstar. It’s also strange if he starred in two completely different games on launch day. Of course his diversity wouldn’t have probably surprised people with much knowledge of Nintendo. He had already been featured in almost a dozen games across arcades, consoles, and LCD handhelds. He was almost more of an easter egg than a character at times as he was getting included in just about every game where it would make any kind of sense. He also had just about every job under the sun. Super Mario Bros. would establish him as a permanent plumber, but in Wrecking Crew he was a carpenter. I have to say if this game is any indication it could’ve been a good occupation for him.

Wrecking Crew is a fun old game that blurs the line between several different genres. You play as Mario who has the unenviable job of smashing almost everything he sees with a hammer. Sure it sounds fun but you try smashing a hundred levels full of brick walls. There’s not enough Absorbine Jr. in the world to get rid of that kind of soreness. The different screens are split up into levels similar to Ice Climber so this is where the puzzle elements come into play. You have to smash the walls in the correct order or else you can get stuck. In an odd turn of events Mario can’t jump in this game. Perhaps that hammer weighs him down. Careful planning is a must, and it typically has to be done top to bottom which can take some getting used to. It’s also an action game because there are constant enemies to avoid. There’s not a way to directly attack them so it involves a lot of running and well timed hammer blows. It’s also an arcade game because the main goal is to get a high score. It’s one of those games that loops after you complete it so it’s more about seeing how well you can do.

Wrecking Crew is just about the ideal launch game. It’s fun, it showcases the system well, and it has enough to do to keep a person busy for a long time. This game has 100 levels, and any of them can be selected from the title screen without cheats. You can start from level one and try to get the best score in order, or you can use the level selector to play through every level individually. It has a fun competitive two player mode similar to Mario Bros. where Mario and Luigi try to get the most points through the levels. It’s a programmable game so you can even design your own levels and challenge your friends. The only downside is that on the original console the created levels couldn’t be saved. There is also a weird bonus where Santa pops up and you get extra points if you smash him. You get to design levels, compete against your friends, and destroy Santa. What more could you ask for?

I have been playing this game for over twenty years so I wasn’t too surprised that it turned out to be good. Still, it’s one that many of you might not have played, and I recommend that you hunt down a copy whether it’s on the original console or one of the many re-releases right up to its recent appearance on the Nintendo Switch. It’s one of the black box games that is still affordable costing 1/5 of what Donkey Kong Jr. Math sells for and being more than five times as much fun. This one is easily winning the battle for best launch title, and it’s going to go very high on my current list. I am putting a wedge in the Pac games by placing it right under Pac-Mania. This gives me probably the weirdest top 10 in history, but I am trying to do some more obscure games. If you want me to start ranking all the Zelda games just let me know. It would be nice to start getting some comments anyway.

1. Super Mario Odyssey
2. Galaga
3. Donkey Kong
4. Exodus: Ultima III
5. Pac-Mania
6. Wrecking Crew
7. Super Pac-Man
8. Pac-Man
9. Excitebike
10. Arc the Lad
11. Clu Clu Land
12. Artifact Adventure Gaiden DX
13. Mickey’s Racing Adventure
14. Metro-Cross
15. Ice Climber
16. Gaplus
17. Dragon Spirit
18. Pinball (NES)
19. Walt Disney World Quest: Magical Racing Tour (GBC)
20. Red Sea Crossing
21. Baraduke
22. Gamma-Attack
23. The Legend of “Valkyrie”
24. Galaxian
25. Evoland
26. Defunct
27. Gyruss (2600)
28. Looney Tunes Racing
29. Squidlit
30. Baseball
31. Birthday Mania
32. Bad Street Brawler

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